We are currently offering an authentic Megalodon tooth fossil (10cm - 11.5cm) for sale.
We carefully select fossils with a beautiful enamel sheen and perfectly symmetrical proportions. This is one of the most popular fossils in our collection.

When placed side by side, you can see that the surface color of each fossil is completely different. There are two main reasons for this:
Fossilization Process
During fossilization, minerals from the surrounding soil or water are absorbed into the tooth structure. This process can alter the composition of the tooth, causing the color to change. For example, in soil with high iron content, the tooth may take on a brown or reddish hue, while in environments rich in manganese, the tooth can appear blackish.
Different Burial Environments
The type of geological layer or environment in which the fossil was buried affects the minerals and chemicals it absorbs. Conditions like those found on the ocean floor, rivers, or wetlands influence the color of the fossil.
Each color has its unique charm, making it hard to choose just one.

Many customers ask, "Is there a fossil of the Megalodon's body?"
The reason there aren't any is that the body was made of cartilage, which does not fossilize.
The Megalodon tooth fossil sold by our store comes as a set with an original stand. We designed and refined this stand many times to perfectly showcase the beauty of the fossil, and we are confident in the result.

We have only two available of this "clear-coated original stand" design, which retains the raw texture of the steel. (The standard version is black-coated.)

Era: Cenozoic Neogene (approx. 23 million - 2.6 million years ago)
Habitat: South Carolina, USA
Price: In-store (with original stand)
Size: 10cm - 11.5cm
Cenozoic Neogene
The Neogene (approx. 23 million - 2.6 million years ago) was a period during which mammals and birds diversified, forming the basis of modern ecosystems. The ancestors of early humans also appeared during this time. Toward the end of the Neogene, Earth's climate cooled, leading to the beginning of the Ice Age.
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